This course is designed to introduce students to the techniques and practices of contemporary graphic design. Students will continue the exploration of typographic design begun in Graphic Design I, as they begin to focus on organizing two-dimensional space effectively, thinking conceptually, and combining images with typography. This course also covers the topics of color theory and how it is applied in the graphic design field. All the topics covered by this course will be taught through lectures, demonstrations, critiques, and in-outside-class studio activities.
Semester Taught: Spring 2018 (New Prep)
Primary software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Student Work Examples
Brianna Shore & Alyssa Koval, Spring 2018
Brianna Shore & Alyssa Koval, Spring 2018
Connor Corvello & M.J.Michaud, Spring 2018
Connor Corvello & M.J.Michaud, Spring 2018
Mekaila Stefano & Mike Zuraw, Spring 2018
Mekaila Stefano & Mike Zuraw, Spring 2018

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